Engaging Your 500 Twitter Followers Using Trending Topics.

News 05:05 May 2024:

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500 Twitter followers can be a huge number to engage with at any given time because it is tedious. Having a personal engagement is more fulfilling to your followers and makes them feel fee appreciated. Since you can manage all of them at once, what can you do to try and keep the engagements going? Take advantage of hot topics on a particular day and get them involved. That is why you should check the trending lists and see the appropriate hashtag that will be in line with the content you engage your followers with. Picking any top trending topic can be a great doing on your part, and you may end losing many followers during the conversations.


Avoid sensitive topics concerning religious and cultural practices due to mutual respect between different beliefs. Even without mentioning your followers as you contribute to the hashtag, your followers will see you and contribute too. That is why you should not forget using the hashtag in all replies in the trend. You will reach a good number of your 500 Twitter followers if not all.